Cafe Phone #(714) 526-9123 Catering Phone #(714) 454-3356 HoursMonday - SaturdayBreakfast | 7am - 11am SundayBreakfast | 7am -12pm Address:305 North Harbor Blvd. |
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- Go to our Google Places page
- Click the "Write a review" button (It may ask you to sign in)
- Choose a star rating and write a review. That's it.
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- Go to our Yahoo page
- Click the "Write a review" button (It may ask you to sign in)
- Choose a star rating and write a review. That's it.
If you have a Knot/Wedding Channel account start here:
- Go to our Knot/Wedding Channel page
- Click the "Write a review" button (It may ask you to sign in)
- Choose a star rating and write a review. That's it.
If you have a Wedding Wire account start here:
- Go to our Wedding Wire page
- Click the "Write a review" button (It may ask you to sign in)
- Choose a star rating and write a review. That's it.
If you have a Yelp account start here:
You may leave us a review on our Yelp Page.
If you do not have any of the above accounts:
- Go to our City Search page
- Click the "Write a review" button and sign in with your Facebook Login or create a new account.
- Choose a star rating and write a review. That's it.