Cafe Phone #(714) 526-9123 Catering Phone #(714) 454-3356 HoursMonday - SaturdayBreakfast | 7am - 11am SundayBreakfast | 7am -12pm Address:305 North Harbor Blvd. |
Brownstone is excited to be able to offer our FAMOUS Mother’s Day Brunch this year!! Sunday May 8th, 2022 from 8AM-2PM we will be serving our Brunch! Lots of delicious food will be served! Fresh Fruit, Salads, Breakfast Pastries, Waffles, Biscuits and Gravy, French Toast, Tomato Bisque, Chicken and Rice, Pastas, Juices, Coffee to name just a few!
We will sell out as we have limited seating! Remember to reserve EARLY! Reservations Only NO Walkups! Call us at 714-526-9123 or email us at Cost is $49.95/Adult and $24.95/Child plus tax and Gratuity.
Happy Mothers Day!!

See what we can do