Cafe Phone #(714) 526-9123 Catering Phone #(714) 454-3356 HoursMonday - SaturdayBreakfast | 7am - 11am SundayBreakfast | 7am -12pm Address:305 North Harbor Blvd. |
Brownstone is excited to be able to offer our FAMOUS Mother’s Day Brunch this year!! Sunday May 8th, 2022 from 8AM-2PM we will be serving our Brunch! Lots of delicious food will be served! Fresh Fruit, Salads, Breakfast Pastries, Waffles, Biscuits and Gravy, French Toast, Tomato Bisque, Chicken and Rice, Pastas, Juices, Coffee to name just a few!
We will sell out as we have limited seating! Remember to reserve EARLY! Reservations Only NO Walkups! Call us at 714-526-9123 or email us at [email protected]. Cost is $49.95/Adult and $24.95/Child plus tax and Gratuity.
Happy Mothers Day!!

As we begin 2022 Brownstone Cafe celebrates our 25th Anniversary! We could not have made it this far without you! Thank you to our customers and community that have helped support our business. As a part of our gratitude we have decided to celebrate our 25 years with you! We have many different types of celebrations planned throughout this year with a Huge Celebration in December! Please follow us on Face Book and Instagram for the most up to date announcements!
Throughout 2022 come into the Brownstone and spend $25 and receive an entry into our Monthly Gift Card Giveaway. You will also be automatically entered into our December Grand Celebration Giveaway! Thank you again for your support!

Its been awhile since we updated our menu….so we finally set out to UPDATE! We will also be offering a “SEASONAL” Menu for our guests to choose from. We appreciate your insight on what you enjoy, would like us to carry, favorites…. Thank you for your continued support and patronage! We truly APPRECIATE it!!

Brownstone is excited to announce that we will be celebrating MOMS this year in PERSON!! We are excited to CONTINUE our Mothers Day Brunch! We have put together a Safe and Delicious Menu for you and your moms to celebrate with us! We will be offering a 3 Course Meal for only $45/pp. Seatings will be limited to 90 minutes and we will be taking Reservations ONLY so that we do not get overbooked. Please call or email to guarantee your reservation!! 714-526-9123 (CAFE) or [email protected]. Thank you for your support and we look forward to celebrating with you!!

Brownstone continues to offer our Family Meals to Go! Check out the April Menu for some of our Favorites. Make sure to order by 6PM the Day before and pickup Curbside between 4-6PM. Call or Text 714-454-3356 or email at [email protected]. Brownstone is so HAPPY to announce we are OPEN DAILY 8-2PM!! Patio, Inside and Takeout!!

Brownstone is happy to continue our “Family Meals to Go!” A great way to enjoy a Family Style Meal in the Comfort of your own Home! Just call or text your order in the night before by 6PM 714-454-3356 or email us at [email protected]. Curbside pickup between 4-6PM.

“LOVE IS IN THE AIR”!!! Brownstone is excited to ANNOUNCE our COVID Safe Valentines Dinner! 23 years ago owners Glen and Kim celebrated their FIRST DATE on Valentines…it has always had a special place in their hearts and have always celebrated the holiday with their customers by offering a Special Valentines Dinner. This year as we are all trying to stay safe and healthy we are offering the Dinner to GO for guests to enjoy in the privacy of their own homes. Make sure to check out the menu and place your orders via PHONE/TEXT at 714-454-3356 or email at [email protected]. Thank you again!

As we near the end of 2020 we have a lot to be thankful for. We are Healthy, Happy and Thankful….Brownstone is looking forward to starting a NEW Year filled with Great Food! We celebrate our customers, friends and family and look forward to a FANTASTIC 2021! Our family meals will continue starting January 2021. Brownstone offers Catering Services so if you have a need for our services please feel free to contact us at 714-454-3356 or [email protected].
Brownstone continues to follow all CDC, State and County COVID-19 Guidelines. We will Re-OPEN the Cafe as soon as we are notified by the officials. Our customers safety and well being is our #1 Priority. We will continue to follow all safety practices as we continue to serve our Brownstone customers and community. Thank you again for your understanding and support!

Brownstone has received several requests for some Holiday Meals so we have put together a couple options! ORDERS MUST BE PLACED By December 21st, 2020. Curbside Pick-up of the Meals will be on December 23rd, 4-6PM and December 24th, 12-2PM. Brownstone is Happy to Create a Customized menu for you if needed. We offer a variety of menus and options for our customers! Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with special requests. Thank you for your help, support and LOVE! We truly appreciate it!
GIFT CARDS are AVAILABLE! Any Denomination!! We are happy to offer FREE Delivery for Gift Card Purchases! Thank you!!
We Cater!See what we can do |