Cafe Phone #(714) 526-9123 Catering Phone #(714) 454-3356 HoursMonday - SaturdayBreakfast | 7am - 11am SundayBreakfast | 7am -12pm Address:305 North Harbor Blvd. |
Posts Tagged ‘Pumpkin Spice’
Fall is not just a season, it’s a feeling.
MMMM…Fall… A time to pull out your cozy sweaters, curl up with your favorite blanket, take walks in the cool air and enjoy the aroma of a toasty fire. But what about the tastes of Fall, like Apple, cinnamon, nutmeg, dark chocolate and most importantly, Pumpkin!
The Brownstone Cafe is happy to announce the return of the “Pumpkin Pancake!” These pancakes are filled with Autumn Love and are topped with our very special Brownstone Butter!
We are also serving our delightful Pumpkin Spice Coffee!
This is our favorite time of year and we would like to share it with you, so come on in and join us for some “Pumpkin Comfort!”
We Cater!See what we can do |