Cafe Phone #(714) 526-9123 Catering Phone #(714) 454-3356 HoursMonday - SaturdayBreakfast | 7am - 11am SundayBreakfast | 7am -12pm Address:305 North Harbor Blvd. |
Posts Tagged ‘villa del stol brownstone cafe’
We hope you have a wonderful time ringing in the new year. We wish that 2012 will be greater than the previous, that it brings more time with your loved ones, more prosperity, cherishable moments, and many more blessings!
We are very excited for what’s in store for the new year.
Here, at the Brownstone Cafe, we have big plans for 2012 and we are looking forward to sharing them with you very soon!
Again, Happy New Year’s. Be Safe. Be Merry!
Here’s to you and all 2012 has to offer,
Kim and Glen and the Brownstone Cafe Staff
We Cater!See what we can do |